Join us in celebratingour 25th anniversary!


Meet the Swiss women winemakers

Our association, founded in 1999 by female winemaking pioneers Françoise Berguer, Marie-Thérèse Chappaz and Coraline de Wurstemberger, brings together winemakers from all over Switzerland who cultivate their vines, produce their own wines, and manage their own estates. A shared love of the profession unites us.

Our objective is to promote the image and the place of women in the world of wine. The wines we make reflect our personalities and the respect we have for the environment. Through our wines, we wish to make our passion for our terroirs known.

During our meetings, we pool our know-how, share experiences and moments of conviviality while keeping our individuality.

Nous Artisanes du Vin - Membres ambassadrices - Association vigneronnes suisse

Our Artisans

Our collective brings together some twenty passionate women winemakers, each at the head of her own vineyard, spread across Switzerland’s six wine-growing regions.

We are united by a shared love of our profession, by our desire to cultivate friendship, mutual support and the joy of creating exceptional wines.

Meet us

This year, the "Clos de l'Avent" will have a feminine touch!

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of our association “Nous Artisanes du Vin,” we have selected the wines of 24 of us to discover day by day in your 2024 calendar.

Discover this unique gift for wine lovers!

Nous Artisanes du Vin - calendrier Clos de l'Avent 2024 - Association vigneronnes suisse


Bal des vigneronnes 2024 à Dardagny - Nous artisanes du vin

10th Vigneronnes’ Ball in Dardagny

The Bal des Vigneronnes returns with its 10th edition, to be held on July 20, 2024, from 7 PM in Dardagny.

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calendrier Clos de l'Avent 20

The Clos de l’Avent 2024 Calendar

Discover a new wine every day from 24 Swiss winemakers in the Clos de l'Avent 2024 calendar.

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Caves ouvertes - Nous Artisanes du Vin - Association vigneronnes suisse

Neuchâtel Open Cellars 2024

Meet Chantal Ritter Cochand, Céline Austing, and Laura Udriet on May 3rd and 4th, 2024 at the Neuchâtel Open…

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Would you like to support the association?

By supporting the “Nous Artisanes du Vin” association, you are helping to promote the image and place of women in the world of wine, while encouraging respect for the environment and the promotion of our terroirs through wines that reflect our personalities, creativity and know-how.

Support us